Buy Wholesale Black Willow | Wetland Stakes | Native Trees |
12845 State RT 108
Altamont TN 37301

Black Willow (Salix Nigra) is the largest and the only commercially important willow of about 90 species native to North America. It is more distinctly a tree throughout its range than any other native willow - 27 species attain tree size in only part of their range.

This short-lived, fast-growing tree reaches its maximum size and development in the lower Mississippi River Valley and bottom lands of the Gulf Coastal Plain. Stringent requirements of seed germination and seedling establishment limit black willow to wet soils near water courses, especially floodplains, where it often grows in pure stands.

We sell Black Willow native tree stakes for wetland mitigation, restoration, construction and large-scale landscaping applications. Our stakes are cut from top-quality stock and shipped fresh and ready for your application.

Contact Information

Phone: 877-771-7655
Fax: 931-692-4266

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